
Nothing to do, biasanya ada ajha email" tolol yang di kirimin ama si Monyet( teman yang saat ini paling deket ama I)but berhubung dia lagi cuti dan ngga' tau rimbanya ( saban di telpon yang ada cuman voice mail,so dari pada bengong( boss lagi meeting)I made this....joke post !
Silahkan ber ha..ha..he..he...
My Sista, Mrs Ingo.. send me this Jokes. Lets laugh together my friends...
An Arabian was being interviewed at a US checkpoint.
Your name pls. "abdul aziz"
Sex? " six times a week!! "
No, no, I mean male or female! "
Doesn't matters, sometimes even camel!!! "
Sex is like a restaurant.
Sometimes u gets full satisfactory service,
And sometimes you have to be satisfied with self-service"
What makes a happy man?
Daughter on the cover of cosmo.
Son on the cover of sports illustrated mistress on the cover of playboy
And.... wife on the cover of "missing persons"
Why was the 2-piece swimsuit invented?
to separate the HAIRY section from the DAIRY section.
Teacher: what do you want to become?
Johnny: doctor!!
Teacher: why?
Johnny: coz it's the only profession where u can tell a woman to take
off her clothes and ask her husband to pay for it
woman: complaining to dentist it's so painful, I'd
rather have a baby than have a tooth removed.
dentist: "make up your mind soon, I ' ll adjust the
chair accordingly".
old lady, 85, a virgin, about to die. wanted her
A VIRGIN. the engraver shortened it to " RETURNED UNOPENED "
75 yr old man got married to a 15 yr girl.
on their first night both were crying. why???
coz she didn ' t know anything, and he had forgotten everything
Kiss is a gamble, sex is a game,
boys do the action & Girls get the Pain,
Guys say its fine, But nine months later guys say its not Mine.
Nyet...ini joke sama tololnya ama email" Lu....
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