Lucky Luck and The Dalton's
Komik ini adalah komik yang paling demen I baca, abis konyol abis.Baru ajha I abis surving di internet dan ternyata komik ini yg buat orang French..kebayang ngga' sich muka" orang French. Aku sich ngga' begitu mengidolakan Si Lucky tapi I paling demen baca kalo' ada Tha dalton, 5 orang penjahat yang tolol banget.
Ni sekilas soal Lucky Luke and The Dalton's hasil surving I tadi :

Lucky Luke
Real Name: Luke
Identity/Class: Normal (?) human
Occupation: Cowboy
Affiliations: Jolly Jumper (his horse); Ra_n_tanplan (the dumbest dog in the world, a spoof of Rin-Tin-Tin)
Enemies: The Daltons (Joe, Jack, William and Averell), Ma Dalton, Billy the Kid, Jesse James
Known Relatives: None known
Aliases: Kid Lucky (his nickname as a youth)
Base of Operations: The Wild West
First Appearance: Le Journal de Spirou (1948)
Powers/Abilities: Luke is the world's greatest cowboy. He can outshoot his own shadow (see picture on right), he can lasso a whirlwind, he can outride (he once raced the Mississippi and won), outdraw and outshoot anyone. Jolly Jumper is also pretty unique, being able to play Luke at chess, arm-wrestle him and run while asleep.
History: Lucky Luke is a cowboy in the Wild West who travels around delivering justice wherever he goes, accompanied by his faithful companion, Jolly Jumper, the smartest horse in the world. His main recurring foes are the dense but persistant Dalton cousins.
Comments: Created by Morris (a.k.a. Maurice De Bevere), who wrote the very first story - after that many of the early stories being written by the French co-creator of Asterix, Goscinny. Luke is still starring in new adventures to this day.
Thanks to Stuart Shankland for providing the following information about the Lucky Luke cartoons: "There was a cartoon series made in 1985 by Hanna Barbera Studios and a new series made in 1991 in France.
All 13 of the 1985 episodes were released as a box set in the USA. 23 of the 1991 episodes were released on video in the UK (which leaves me 3 more to find which is why at the bottom of the 1991 guide is 3 ? marks.)
The Daltons

The Daltons regularly appear in Lucky Luke comic book series. The "real" Daltons appear in only one story, being killed and buried at the end. A few stories later, fictional cousins of the Daltons appear. They are brothers named Joe, William, Jack, and Averell. Each one of them is taller than the previous one. The Daltons appear in most of the following albums, since they often succeed in breaking out of jail until Lucky Luke puts them back in. They are most often appearing villains in "Lucky Luke". Dalton's made appearance in a spin-off series "Rantanplan" as well in many episodes of Lucky Luke various animated series. In another spin-off "Lucky Kid", they appeared in second album titled "Oklahoma Jim" were it was shown, they meet Lucky Luke for the first time wen they were kids.
Joe Dalton
The smallest, oldest and most intelligent of the brothers. He is choleric, hates Lucky Luke and the stupid dog Rantanplan, whom he gets chained to numerous times to prevent breakout. Joe always goes insane when he sees Luke or even hears his name. When he is angry, Averell is usually the one who gets beaten. His little brother also has a talent of annoying him and it takes a lot of effort to calm Joe down again.
Jack and William Dalton
The middle brothers have somewhat colourless personalities and are normally busy with calming Joe down to prevent him from killing Averell. In the first comic, William was a master of disguise and Jack an arms maniac, but those character traits weren't kept. It's uncertain which of the two is the bigger. When they were introduced the first time, William was smaller than Jack, but some later comics change this; in "Dalton City", for example, Jack is the smaller of the two. The mistake was originally made by Morris, who originally introduced William as the smaller but at the end accidentally called him Jack. In "Dalton City","Le prophète" and slithly "La légende de l'ouest", the smaller one, was shown getting drunk very Quick.
Averell Dalton
Averell is the tallest, youngest and most stupid of the Daltons. Averell is obsessed with eating and usually asks things like "when are we going to eat?", which serve to annoy Joe. Averell likes Rantanplan a lot, because they both love eating. It's either Averell or Rantanplan who get beaten by Joe, when he is angry. Averell is good-natured and he even has a honest side, which Lucky Luke has used numerous times to get the Daltons back to jail.
Other Daltons
Later stories also feature the mother of the Dalton cousins, who shows maternal love to her sons and is also a criminal herself, although more harmless than her sons. She loves Averell most and even doesn't hesitate to thrash Joe. One story features Marcel Dalton, a bankowner living in Switzerland, a disgrace to the Dalton family, because of his honesty. Never appearing himself, but often mentioned, is the Daltons father. Joe is supposed to be very much like him, he was a safe-cracker and killed in an accident with dynamite. In the movie "Ballade of the Daltons", Daltons Uncle Henry was mention and seen on a "Wanted" letter as well on a statue of him (he look much like Joe). He was mention to be a great bandit and inspiration and idol to Joe, Jack, Wylliam and Avrelle. In the movie boys found out Henry past away (he was heng), but he write in his will, that the boys will own his fortune if they will kill Judge and Jury which sent Henry to penalty of death.
Asal tau ajha... mungkin saking banyaknya orang yang demen baca ni buku terutama ama Dalton's nya samapai" ada group musik yang menamakan group mereka The Dalton's. ngga' salah" mereka tu group Rock N Roll...wow...
a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6298/3030/1600/Dalton%27s.jpg">

Dan huebatnya lagi di Filipina udah di buat film nya. see below..

Can U imagine how Famous they are....
I dedicated this one to The Dalton's at Batu hijau... I LOve you guys... this is for you...
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