Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy B'day Ms Orange...

if I could talk to angels,

I'd ask the lucky one that watches over you

to make sure you have the happiest birthday ever

and get lots of compliments,hugs, and present

sthat make you smile...

Then I'd put in a special order

to make sure all your wishes come true

in the year ahead.

Happy Birthday, Wowu...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

by Tara Simms

When you need a shoulder to cry on,
Remember that I have a warm embrace,Ready to offer comfort.
When you think I'm being too tough,
Remember that which does not kill youMakes you stronger.
When you need a friend to listen,
Remember that I am here for you,Always.
When you doubt me,
Remember that I once knelt at your feet,Washing them in service to you.
When you lose faith in yourself,
Remember that I never did,Not ever will.
I like this peoms... to all of my friend..this is for you too...
Love, C